13-2 Searching for a Document
Searching for a Document
One of the main features that makes PaperMaster Live such an effective
organizing tool is its AutoSearch capability. With AutoSearch, you can
locate documents in your cabinet quickly and easily without having to
remember where they were filed. Search by drawer, folder or document
title, annotations, or document content, and AutoSearch will present
matches ordered by rank and based on the frequency of the keywords
you’ve selected. When you “Read & Index” a document, PaperMaster
Live reads the text in a document, and creates an index (much like the
index in the back of this manual). When you’re searching for a particular
document, PaperMaster Live looks through this index for keyword
matches in the text. To learn more about reading a document, see Help.
1. Launch PaperMaster Live.
2. Choose AutoSearch... in the cabinet window’s Tools menu. This brings
up the AutoSearch dialog box.
3. Type the words “
Reg” and “card ” in the “Words to Look For” field.
AutoSearch is not case-sensitive, so you can type any combination of
lower and upper case letters.
4. Click on “Entire Cabinet” in the Where to Search box if it’s not already