DJS Ver. 1.600
Using SD Cards Returning Music from an SD Card to DJS
Drag the songs to be checked into the computer
from the lower SD list and drop them into the
upper track list.
• The [Confirm Check In] screen displays.
Click the [OK] button in the [Confirm Check In]
• The songs are removed from the lower SD list and the
remaining copies in the upper track list increase by 1.
If a Copied File is Missing
If the original of a copied song is deleted from your computer, it
will become impossible to return the song to your computer. If
you try to check a song in, it will simply be deleted from the SD
memory card as well.
Similarly, it is not possible to check in a song from an SD
memory card onto a computer other than the one from which it
was checked out. If you try to check a song in to a computer
other than where it was checked out, it will simply delete the song
from your SD memory card.