DJS Ver. 1.600
Other Functions Tables of Menus
• [Edit Album], [Edit Artist], [Edit Genre], and [Edit BPM] open a dialog box for changing all together.
• [Edit Album], [Edit Artist], [Edit Genre], and [Edit BPM] cannot be selected from a play list (cannot
be edited).
• [Remove] can be selected in Play List, and [Delete] can be selected at any other time.
• When either [Make Playlist] or [Make Genre] is selected, 1 line is added to the last line of the Top
category or the Other category and you can enter a name for the play list or for the genre. In addition,
you can [Cut], [Copy], [Paste], [Edit] and [Delete] play lists and genres that you have created yourself.
• With [ALL] or [Artist-Album] (Album-Artist), neither [Delete] nor [Remove] may be selected.
●If you right click on more than one songs on a track list:
Display Action
Edit Album Edits the title of the album.
Edit Artist Edits the name of the artist.
Edit Genre Edits the name of the genre.
Edit BPM Edits the BPM.
Remove Removes song(s) from the play list.
Delete Deletes song(s) from the database.
●If you right click under the following conditions:
• If one is selected (highlighted) from either the [Album] or the [Artist] column and right clicked.
Display Action Key
Cut Cuts the selected range. Ctrl+X
Copy Copies the selected range. Ctrl+C
Paste Pastes information that has been copied or cut. Ctrl+V
Edit Edits the title of the album or the name of the artist that is selected. –
●If 1 is selected from the [Category] column and right clicked:
Display Action Key
Make Playlist Creates a new play list. –
Make Genre Creates a new genre. –
Cut Cuts the selected range. Ctrl+X
Copy Copies the selected range. Ctrl+C
Paste Pastes information that has been copied or cut. Ctrl+V
Edit Edits the name of the play list or the name of the genre that is selected. –
Remove Removes category(es) from the play list. –
Delete Deletes category(es) from the database. –