Messages for audio functions
When problems occur in the audio source, a message may appears on the display. Refer to the
table below to identify the problem, then take the suggested corrective action. If the error persists,
contact your dealer or your nearest Pioneer Service Center.
Built-in CD drive
Message Cause Action (Reference)
Error-11, 12,17, 30 Dirty Clean the disc.
Scratched disc Replace thedisc.
Error10, 11,12, 15, 17, 30,A0,
Electrical or mechanical Turnthe ignition switch OFFand back ON,or
switch to adifferent source, thenback to the
CD player.
Error-15 The inserted disc doesnot contain
any data.
Replace thedisc.
Error-23 The CD format cannotbe played
Replace thedisc.
Error-22 The inserted disc doesnot contain
any files thatcan be playedback.
Replace thedisc.
No Audio The inserted discdoes not contain
any files thatcan be playedback.
Replace thedisc.
TRK Skipped The inserted disccontains files that
are protected byDRM.
Replace thedisc.
Protect All thefiles on the inserteddisc are
secured by DRM.
Replace thedisc.
Heat The temperature ofthe navigation
system isoutside of thenormal op-
erating range.
Wait until theunit’s temperature returns to
within normal operatinglimits.
Message Cause Action (Reference)
No Audio The connected USBstorage device
does not containany files that can
be played back.
Store playable files.
Protect All thefiles on the insertedexternal
storage device aresecured by DRM.
Store playable files.
TRK Skipped The protected filesare skipped. Store playable files.
Check USB TheUSB connector orUSB cable is
Confirm that theUSB connector or USB
cable is notcaught in somethingor da-
The connected USBstorage device
consumes more than500 mA (maxi-
mum allowable current).
Disconnect the USBstorage device and do
not use it.Turn theignition switch toOFF,
then to ACCor ON andthen connect the
compliant USB storagedevice.
Error-A1 The connected USBstorage device
consumes more than500 mA (maxi-
mum allowable current).
Disconnect the USBstorage device and do
not use it.Turn theignition switch toOFF,
then to ACCor ON andthen connect the
compliant USB storagedevice.