The A4.6Ci to which the expander is connected (Master or Slaves 1, 2, or 3).
The zone number to which the expander is connected.
Assign the first expander the same num-
ber as the zone to which it connects, fol-
lowed by (A) (for example, the expander
for Zone 6 would be #6-A).
If a second expander is required because
the room needs more than three keypads,
it becomes Expander (B) (for example,
two expanders for Zone 6 would be #6-A
and #6-B). With a second expander, the
zone can have up to five keypads.
The top input of Expander (A) connects to
the A4.6Ci keypad input. With a single
Expander, connect keypads for Rooms 1,
2, and 3 to the remaining inputs.
When a second expander is required, con-
nect Expander (B) to the bottom input of
Expander (A). Connect keypads for Room
1 and 2 to Expander (A) and keypads for
Room 3, 4, and 5 to Expander (B).
Keypad Input Information:
If you have different keypads in the same zone,
to document individually which keypads are installed
in each room along with their Silencers.
• Identify which Master Key Module is installed
or Select
• Indicate any optional Accessory Module (Numeric
or IR Sensor).
• Room Name
Identify the room where the keypad is located (for
example, master bedroom for Room 1 and girl's
bedroom for Room 2).
Master Bath