1-3 Setting the Room EQ Setup
Select the setting of an Equalizer that has been set with Auto Setup or Manual EQ.
Select “Room EQ Setup” at the Auto Setup / Room EQ
Room EQ Setup
Display the Room EQ Setup screen.
*Room EQ Setup
Select All or Assign.
• All : The Equalizer to all Surround mode is set as once.
• Assign : The Equalizer to each surround mode is to set individually.
When the All is selected and press the ENTER button,
display the Select the EQ Curve screen.
Select the Equalizer setting.
• OFF : The Equalizer is not used.
• Normal : Adjusts the frequency response of all
speakers suitable for general surround
• Front : Adjusts the characteristics of each
speaker to the characteristics of the front
• Flat : Adjusts the frequency response of all speakers flat.
This is suitable for music reproduction like ITU-R speaker setting.
• Manual : Selects the setting value that was set in the Manual EQ setup.
RoomEQ Normal
*Room EQ Setup
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
Enter the setting.
The Auto Setup / Room EQ Menu reappears.
(Remote control unit)
• The Equalizer setting of Normal, Front and Flat can be selected after performing
the Auto Setup.
• When the speaker set as “None” with the Auto Setup is change to on manually,
the equalizer of “Normal”, “Front” and “Flat” cannot be used.
• The Equalizer setting can be selected by SURROUND PARAMETER button in
Main unit or Remote control unit.
• When headphone is connected, the Room EQ cannot be used.
1-4 Setting the Direct Mode
Perform the ON/OFF setting of Room EQ when the surround mode is Direct or Pure Direct.
Select “Direct Mode Setup” at the Auto Setup / Room
EQ Menu.
Direct Mode
Display the Direct Mode Setup screen.
Room EQ : OFF
*Direct Mode
Select ON or OFF.
Enter the setting.
The Auto Setup / Room EQ
Menu reappears.
1-5 Setting the MIC Input Select
• Use this setting when using a microphone other than the included one for measurements when performing
the auto setup procedure.
• The microphone included with the AVR-2805 is a measurement microphone designed specifically for use
during the auto setup procedure. Select “Mic” and connect the included microphone to the “SETUP MIC”
mini-jack. When conducting the auto setup procedure using a separate high performance condenser
microphone for measurements, select “V.AUX L” and connect the microphone to the “V.AUX Lch” pin jack.
Please ask the DENON Authorized Service Center about the usable microphone other than the included one.
Select “Mic Input Select” at the Auto Setup / Room EQ
Mic In Select
Display the Mic Input Select
Select the Mic input jack or
V.AUX L jack.
Enter the setting.
The Auto Setup / Room EQ
Menu reappears.
*Mic In Select
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)
(Remote control unit)