
Setting Up a Zone
The C4630 SE gives you a great deal of flexibility in setting each zone’s
operational and audio parameters. Open the D
menu and select ZONE
. The ZONE SETUP screen (
Figure 38
) will appear.
NOTE: Any changes made on the Zone Setup screen must be
transferred to the C4630 SE via the USB connection before
they will take effect. See Transferring System Information to
the C4630 SE, on page 25.
ZZoonnee NNaammee::
You can rename the zone by highlighting the name that
appears in the N
AME box and typing a new one.
AAllllooww PPaaggiinngg iinn tthhiiss zzoonnee::
Check this box if you want to enable Paging
in the zone.
NOTE: The Paging function in the G
must be enabled to allow paging in any zone (see Step 4 of
Creating a New C4630 SE System, on page 27).
AAllllooww PPAARRTTYY MMOODDEE iinn tthhiiss zzoonnee::
Check this box if you want this zone
to be included in PARTY MODE. PARTY MODE links the S
ON/OFF functions of enabled zones.
• When a source is selected with a Press-And-Hold, any zones enabled for
PARTY MODE will turn ON to their D
EFAULT VOLUME settings (see below).
Any zones enabled for PARTY MODE that are already ON will switch to
the selected source.
• You can use a keypad controller or the remote control to adjust the volume level in a zone that is enabled for PARTY MODE.
DDeeffaauulltt VVoolluummee::
This slider sets the zone’s turn-on volume. The zone will always turn ON at this volume no matter what
the zone’s volume was set at when it was turned OFF.
MMaaxxiimmuumm VVoolluummee::
This slider sets the zone’s maximum volume level. By setting this to a level that eliminates distortion
and prevents over-driving the speakers you can avoid damage to speakers and in-wall volume controls.
• During normal use, once a zone has reached its maximum volume, pressing the V
OLUME UP button on a keypad or the
remote control will not increase the zone’s volume level.
PPaaggee VVoolluummee::
This slider sets the Paging volume in the zone. Set this to a level that allows the paging device to be clearly
heard in the zone without distortion or over-driving the speakers.
NOTE: Be sure to check the Page Volume with the actual paging device after the system is installed
to correct for too low or too high a level, feedback, etc.
BBaassss,, TTrreebbllee aanndd BBaallaannccee::
These sliders set the bass level, treble level and left/right stereo balance in the zone.
NOTE: The zone’s Default, Maximum and Page Volume, Bass, Treble and Balance adjustments are
defeated when the zone output’s Fixed/Variable button is in the Fixed position. See page 13.
Figure 38: