Section 4 Configure
This table shows how outbound traffic is treated. Outbound means the traf-
fic is coming from the LAN-side computers into the LAN side of the Gate-
Gateway: LAN Side
BreakWater Setting >> ClearSailing SilentRunning LANdLocked
Port Session Type --------------Port State-----------------------
20 ftp data Enabled Enabled Disabled
21 ftp control Enabled Enabled Disabled
23 telnet external Enabled Enabled Disabled
23 telnet Cayman server Enabled Enabled Enabled
80 http external Enabled Enabled Disabled
80 http Cayman server Enabled Enabled Enabled
67 DHCP client Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
68 DHCP server Enabled Enabled Enabled
161 snmp Enabled Enabled Enabled
ping (ICMP) Enabled Enabled WAN - Disabled
Local Address Only
The Gateway’s WAN DHCP client port in SilentRunning mode is enabled. This
feature allows end users to continue using DHCP-served IP addresses from their
Service Providers, while having no identifiable presence on the Internet.