Appendix A SHELL Commands
Downloads a new version of the Cayman Gateway operating software from a
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server, validates the software image, and pro-
grams the image into the Cayman Gateway memory. After you install new oper-
ating software, you must restart the Cayman Gateway.
The TFTP server must be accessible on your Ethernet network. The
server_address argument identifies the IP address of the TFTP server on which
your Cayman Gateway operating software is stored. The filename argument
identifies the path and name of the operating software file on the TFTP server.
If you include the optional confirm keyword, you will not be prompted to iden-
tify a TFTP server or file name. Your Cayman Gateway begins the software installa-
tion using its default boot settings.
Adds the message in the message_string argument to the Cayman Gateway
diagnostic log.
Displays or modifies the types of log messages you want the Cayman Gateway to
record. If you enter the loglevel command without the optional level argu-
ment, the command line interface displays the current log level setting.
You can enter the loglevel command with the level argument to specify the
types of diagnostic messages you want to record. All messages with a level num-
ber equal to or greater than the level you specify are recorded. For example, if
you specify loglevel 3, the diagnostic log will retain high-level informational mes-
sages (level 3), warnings (level 4), and failure messages (level 5).
Use the following values for the
level argument:
• 1 or low – Low-level informational messages or greater; includes trivial status
• 2 or medium – Medium-level informational messages or greater; includes sta-
tus messages that can help monitor network traffic.
• 3 or high – High-level informational messages or greater; includes status
messages that may be significant but do not constitute errors.
• 4 or warning – Warnings or greater; includes recoverable error conditions
and useful operator information.
• 5 or failure – Failures; includes messages describing error conditions that
may not be recoverable.
Displays the IP interfaces for your Cayman Gateway.
BOTH install [
] [
] [confirm]
BOTH log
BOTH loglevel [
BOTH netstat -i