Troubleshooting CentreVu CMS Release 3 Version 8 Disk-Mirrored Systems
Log files 87
Log files 4
A disk-mirrored system contains the following system log files:
If a log seems to indicate a problem, it may take an experienced
troubleshooter to determine the nature of the problem.
The logs are checked each night by the chkDisks crontab, which is able
to determine whether any potential or actual drive problems have been
logged. The results of the determination are logged to
mailed to the
If chkDisks is not running each night, verify that it is available in the
directory by entering the following command:
If the file is not found, load the CMS CD into the CD-ROM drive and enter
the following commands:
To test chkDisks, simply execute it by entering the following command:
File Name Description
/var/adm/messages Contains all console error messages, including
hardware messages. (For an example of how
to use this log to detect a bad disk drive, see
Replacing Faulty Disks” in Chapter 3.)
/olds/elog Contains
error messages. Most messages
are logged when setting up the system or when
making changes to the disk setup.
# ls /olds/chkDisks
# cp /cms/rdonly/olds_install/chkDisks /olds
# chmod +x /olds/chkDisks
# /olds/chkDisks