CLD-V2600 / 2400 Level I & III User’s Manual TP 117 v. 2.0 • 12/93 3-17
CLD-V2600 / 2400 Level I & III • Chapter Three
CD standard command set and can be played only on Barcode CD compatible players.
Customers look for these logos to assure the application can be used with specific
players that are LaserBarcode, LB2 or Barcode CD compatible. As mentioned above,
LaserBarcode, LB2 or Barcode CD barcodes may be created using Pioneer Barcode
preparation software: The Bar’n’Coder for the Macintosh
, or BarKoder for
Windows or LaserBarcode Tool Kit for IBM/MS DOS
NOTE: Contact Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc., Engineering Support, East —
201/327-6400, or Engineering Support, West — 310/952-2111 for more
information on the Barcode System. Contact PNT Marketing, 310/952-2111, for
information about licensing the LaserBarcode or LaserBarcode 2 logos.
3.3.5 Pioneer Barcode Readers
All Pioneer Barcode readers, the UC-V108BC, the UC-V109BC, and the discontinued
UC-V104BC, can be used to scan and send LB2 “original” and “extended” commands
to the LD-V4400. For details about current Pioneer readers, see Appendix E,
Using Pioneer Barcode Readers.
3.3.6 Barcode Formats and Player Compatibility
All production units of the CLD-V2600, CLD-V2400, LD-V4400 industrial videodisc
players are LB2 compatible. LD-V8000 players above serial # ME3912276 are LB2
compatible. An EPROM Upgrade kit is available to provide LB2 compatibility to
older LD-V8000 players. LD-V2200 players, discontinued LD-V2000 players,
discontinued LD-V4200 players with LBA/15 and the discontinued LD-V6000
players with LBA/25 are LB-Only compatible. The CLD-V2600 and CLD-V2400 are
also Barcode CD compatible. See Player Compatibility Chart in Appendix F. It
describes the three barcode formats used for player controls and indicates which
formats work with specific players.
3.3.7 Notes
• Check to make sure batteries are fresh in the UC-V108BC or UC-V109BC
reader. If using the discontinued UC-V104BC, make sure the batteries are
fresh and that the reader’s internal switch is set to Mode 2.
• Attempting to operate the player via the remote control unit or by using the
front panel buttons while sending a barcode command to the player, may
result in improper processing of commands. The remote control input and
front panel buttons are disabled when the barcode reader is connected via
wire to the player.