Lexicon SDP-40 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

LFE MIX (-20.0 or -10.0 to +0.0dB)
LFE MIX adjusts the level of the LFE channel (the .1 channel in a 5.1
or 6.1-channel source) that is sent to the SUBWOOFER L/R outputs.
Low frequencies from as many as five other channels may be
combined with the LFE channel to create the SUBWOOFER L/R
output signal, significantly raising subwoofer output levels. Careful
adjustment of this parameter allows achievement of proper tonal
balance and reduces the risk of subwoofer overload.
MASTER LEVEL (-5 to +5dB)
MASTER LEVEL adjusts the output level of LOGIC7 encoded
2-channel signals.
MODE indicates the name of the selected listening mode.
See page 5-17 for information about OUTPUT LEVELS.
When set to ON, PANORAMA extends the front stereo image to
include the surround speakers for a “wraparound” effect with side
wall imaging.
RE-EQUALIZER simulates the high-frequency rolloff that occurs in a
movie theater as sound travels from speakers to the listeners. When
set to ON, the unit applies a high-frequency rolloff. When set to
OFF, the unit does not apply a high-frequency rolloff. Most films are
mixed for movie theaters, and may sound too bright when played
back in home theaters without re-equalization. RE-EQUALIZER
should be set to ON for such film sources.
REAR DLY OFFSET (0 to 30ms)
REAR DLY OFFSET (Rear Delay Offset) increases the perceived depth
of the listening space by delaying the arrival time of signals from
the rear speakers. This time delay can be set within a range of 0 to
30ms. Increasing this time is recommended when using SIDE L/R
and REAR L/R speakers that are located close together, or when a
greater sense of depth is desired in the listening space.
REAR L/R (OFF, -30 to +12dB)
REAR L/R (Rear Left/Right) adjusts the output level of the REAR L/R
REF OFFSET (Reference Offset) indicates the dialog normalization
value that is present in Dolby Digital input types.
SAMPLE RATE (44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz)
SAMPLE RATE indicates the sample rate of the input type.
SIDE L/R (OFF, -30 to +12dB)
SIDE L/R (Side Left/Right) can be used to adjust the output level of
the SIDE L/R outputs.