AC450NX Rack Server System Product Guide
1. From the SSU main window, launch the RCA by selecting the Resources task under the RCA
heading in the task box.
2. When the RCA window appears, it displays messages similar to the following:
Baseboard: System Board
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 00 –- Host Processor Bridge
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 0D –- SCSI Controller
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 0F –- Ethernet Controller
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 12 –- Multifunction Controller
PCI Card: Bus 00 dev 14 –- VGA Controller
3. To configure a device, select its name in the Devices section of the RCA window, and press
the spacebar or <Enter>, or double-click on the name.
4. It is possible to close the RCA window and return to the AF by clicking on the Back to AF
button. Any changes made will be kept in memory for use by the RCA when it is rerun.
5. Save all the changes made by clicking on the Save button. Saving writes your current
configuration to nonvolatile storage where it will be available to the system after every reboot.
6. Closing the window by clicking on the system menu—the dash in the upper-left corner—
discards all changes.
Figure 5-2. RCA Window