Data Input and Output
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Overview Control elements & resourcesTo use exported waveforms (cont.)
Import the
waveform data
3. In Excel, select Open from the File menu. Use the
dialog box that pops up to navigate to the directory
containing t he file.
4. In the dialog t hat displays, make the select ions as
shown right as you navigat e through the Text Import
Wizard. You must select delimiter as your data type,
comma as the delimiter type, and General as your
data type.
Tip. This step assumes MS Excel 97; your tool may
have similar import features for comma-separated da-
ta. Check its documentation.
Begin your
5. Clic k on the row number to select the entire row
containing your imported waveform values (See
illustration at right.)
6. Select the Chart button from t he toolbar (See
illustration at right.) or from the Insert menu.
Access the chart wizard
Select theentire row