Problem Solution
Keypad does not backlight a) Make sure backlight jumper is in place.
b) (C4630 SE Numeric Keypad) Make sure 14-pin ribbon connector is properly
connected between Main and Numeric Keypad. See page 20.
Keypad backlight is too bright Confirm proper Keypad Backlight Jumper position. See pages 20 and 22.
IR receiver Keypad a) Eliminate interference from light sources, (sunlight, halogen, fluorescent, etc.)
does not work that may be interfering with or locking-up the IR receiver.
b) Move Keypad away from source of interference.
c) (C4630 SE Main Keypad) Remove the IR receiver from the keypad and
mount it in a different location.
Problem Solution
System will not power up a) Confirm that the AC ON LED is illuminated. If it isn’t, make sure that the power cord is
firmly plugged-into the DAB1’s P
OWER CONNECTOR and into a live AC outlet.
b) Keypad button is stuck under bezel, causing continuous IR code transmission.
Keypads 4 – 6 will not power up Switch the Z
ONE 4 – 6 KEYPAD POWER switch on the DAB1 rear panel to the
NTERNAL position.
Source components plugged into P
OWER switches on components must be in ON or STANDBY position.
switched outlets do not turn ON
when the system is turned ON
DAB1 locks-up (zones will not Eliminate AC power line noise by connecting DAB1 AC cord to a power
turn ON or OFF) or acts erratically conditioner.
Problem Solution
No audio from source a) Is the source ON?
b) Is the source’s line audio out connected to appropriate Source
) on the DAB1? See page 12.
c) Is source playing?