Configuring DAB1 Keypad Source Buttons
The Source Selector Buttons on the DAB1 keypads can be configured to
indicate the specific source components available on the system. The
keypad is shipped with the T
UNER label already in place for Source 1.
1. If the keypad is connected, disconnect it from the DAB1.
2. Do not remove any screws from the keypad.
3. Remove the keypad bezel as shown in
Figure 25
. Be careful to not
let any of the rubber button membranes fall off.
:: DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee eexxppoosseedd ppoorrttiioonn ooff tthhee kkeeyyppaadd
cciirrccuuiitt bbooaarrdd..
4. Lay the keypad on its back
5. Carefully remove the Source 2 button cap. (If the system is using a
source component other than Tuner for Source 1, start with the
Source 1 button.)
6. Find the label for the Source 2 source component on the Label Sheet
that’s included with the keypad. Separate the label from the sheet
and place it on the Source 2 button’s rubber membrane.
7. Replace the button cap on the Source 2 button‘s rubber membrane.
8. Repeat Steps 5 – 7 for all Source buttons on the keypad.
9. Snap the keypad bezel back into place.
10. Test all buttons for free movement. If any of the buttons are tight or hang up, carefully remove, realign and replace
the keypad bezel.
DAB1 Keypad Mounting and Location
The DAB1 Keypad can be mounted in standard single or double J-box enclosures or P-rings.
NOTE: Do NOT mount the DAB1 keypad in the same electrical box with AC house wiring, light
switches, or any other high-voltage device or control. The keypad can share gang boxes with other
controls such as A/B speaker switches, infrared receivers and volume controls, if these other devices are
rated as Class 2 devices according to the National Electrical Code.
The DAB1 keypad should typically be located near the entrance to a room, similar in height and location to a light switch
(see NOTE, above). Care should be taken to avoid placing the keypad near windows or areas that get direct sunlight that
could interfere with IR receiver operation. If this is not possible, you should disable the keypad’s IR receiver (see page 22).
Avoid mounting keypads in locations that will be exposed to moisture, such as near sinks, showers or bathtubs. If you want
to install keypads outdoors, only install them in a covered area with an appropriate weather-proof box.