MIDI Implementation
System Exclusive Messages
Status Data byte Status
F0H iiH, ddH, ......, eeH F7H
F0H: System Exclusive message status
ii=ID number: This is the ID number (manufacturer ID) that specifies the
manufacturer whose exclusive message this is. Roland’s manufacturer
ID is 41H. ID numbers 7EH and 7FH are defined in an expansion of
the MIDI standard as Universal Non-real-time messages (7EH) and
Universal Realtime Messages (7FH).
dd,..., ee = data: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
F7H: EOX (End of System Exclusive)
* Not received when the System Exclusive parameter (Recording Select window) is OFF.
* MIDI Machine Control and MIDI Time code is not recorded. (Refer to “3.3 Messages
acknowledged for synchronization”)
3.2 Messages not recorded during recording
Channel mode messages
Local On/Off (Controller number 122)
2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7AH vvH
n=MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
vv=Value: 00H, 7FH (Local Off, Local On)
All notes off (Controller number 123)
2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 7BH 00H
n=MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
* When an All Note Off message is received, all notes of the corresponding channel that
are on will be sent Note Off’s, and the resulting Note Off messages will be recorded.
3.3 Messages acknowledged for synchronization
System Common messages
Tune Request
MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages
MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages can be transmitted while the sequencer is
running (Playing or Recording) if the Sync Mode parameter (System/Sync/Tempo) is
MASTER and MTC Sync Output parameter (System/Sync/Tempo) is ON. The transmitted
time counts are summed to MTC Offset Time parameter (System/Sync/Tempo) as the song
top is “00:00:00:00.”
The sequencer synchronizes with the time counts which are summed to MTC Offset Time
parameter (System/Sync/Tempo) as the song top is “00:00:00:00” if the Sync Mode
parameter (System/Sync/Tempo) is SLAVE(MTC).
F1H mmH (= 0nnndddd)
nnn = Message type :
0 = Frame count LS nibble
1 = Frame count MS nibble
2 = Seconds count LS nibble
3 = Seconds count MS nibble
4 = Minutes count LS nibble
5 = Minutes count MS nibble
6 = Hours count LS nibble
7 = Hours count MS nibble
dddd = 4 bit nibble data : h - FH (0 - 15)
Bit Field is assigned as follows.
Frame Count xxxyyyyy
xxx Reserved (000)
yyyyy Frame No.(0-29)
Seconds Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Seconds (0-59)
Minutes Count xxyyyyyy
xx Reserved (00)
yyyyyy Minutes (0-59)
Hours Count xyyzzzzz
x Reserved (0)
yy Time Code type
0 = 24 Frames / Sec
1 = 25 Frames / Sec
2 = 30 Frames / Sec (Drop Frame)
3 = 30 Frames / Sec (Non Drop Frame
zzzzz Hours (0-23)
Song Position Pointer
2nd byte 3rd byte
F2H mmH llH
mm, ll=value: 00 00H - 7F 7FH (0 - 16383)
Fantom-X678_r_e.book 308 ページ 2005年5月12日 木曜日 午後4時40分