SCMS (Serial Copy Management System)
For copyright protection, the serial
copy management system specifies
that recording of digital signals as digi-
tal signals between various digital au-
dio devices shall be possible only for the
first generation of recordings.
Copying by
digital input
Copying by
analog input
Copying by
digital input
Copying by
analog input
Copying by
analog input
Copying by
digital input
Copying by
digital input
Digital copying
cannot be re-
In regard to the sampling frequency
Normally, there are the three following types of digital signals, and they are called sampling frequen-
cies. The sampling frequencies are divided as follows according to the type of the digital equipment.
48 kHz : Standard mode for DAT, B-mode transmission of BS tuners, etc.
44.1 kHz : Standard mode for DAT, CD, MD, etc.
32 kHz : Standard and long-time mode for DAT, A-mode transmission of BS tuners, etc.
(DAT: Digital Audio Tapedeck)
As this unit has a built-in sampling rate converter, 48 kHz and 32 kHz digital signals can be recorded
converted to 44.1 kHz.