hardware connections 1-8, 1-9–1-10, 3-1–
inserting CDs 2-2
IRQ conflict A-3
not recognizing CD-Writer drive 1-12
parallel port configuration 1-10–1-11, 1-
11, 1-12, A-3
power supply 1-12
printing 1-11, 3-8
reading error 3-5
returning your CD-Writer drive 21
video distortion 3-4
Windows NT 14-17
writing to CD 3-4
tutorial 13-11
Type Text tool 13-4
type. See text
types of CDs that can be copied 8-1
typing text 13-4
uncompressing files for repair
Windows 95 14-12
Undo button 10-4, 10-12
uninstalling 1-12–1-13
virus protection
Windows 95 14-2–14-3
without LiveUpdate 14-16
using the photo organizer 10-6
vibration specifications A-5
video card 3-4
video distortion 3-4
viewing documents 13-3
viewing jewel case inserts 7-2
viewing protected versions 9-8
virus alerts
Windows 95 14-9
Windows NT 14-9
virus definitions
installing latest 14-16
virus definitions update disk B-17
virus protection
Windows 95 14-4, 14-12
Windows 95 14-12, 14-17
keeping current
Windows 95 14-14
Norton AntiVirus features
Windows 95 14-2
without LiveUpdate 14-16
user responsibilities
Windows 95 14-2–14-3
constant release of new 14-2–14-3
volume control 3-3
wave files 3-4, 6-2
combining with audio tracks 6-2
pre-recording from audio tracks 6-5
recording 6-4
specifications 6-4
web site, Symantec B-17–B-18
Windows 95
irreparable system files 14-13
windows explorer 6-3
wizard 5-2
DirectCD 5-2
making music CDs 6-2
World Wide Web
Adobe Systems Web site 10-2
Worldwide Service and Support B-19–B-20
write-once CDs 2-3, 3-4, 3-5, A-3
writing to CD 3-3, 3-4
power loss 3-6
speed 3-5, A-2, A-4