Indicator list
Area 1 Area 2
Area 3
Area 1
Indicates thatthe volumeis ad-
Indicates thatthe mute function
is on.
Indicates thatthe sound isatte-
Area 2
Shows whendownloadable song
information (tag)from aradio sta-
tion isreceived.
Disabled whilesong information
(tag) froman HDRadio station is
being savedto this unit.
Indicates thatthe digitalformat is
Dolby Digital.
Indicates thatthe digitalformat is
MPEG Audio.
Indicates thatthe digitalformat is
Linear PCM.
Indicates thesampling fre-
Indicates thatthe digitalformat is
Indicates theaudio channel.
Indicates thata disc withPBC On
is beingplayed.
! Indicatesthat a cellular
phone isconnected.
! Indicatesthat an incoming
call hasbeen receivedand
has notbeen checkedyet.
Indicates thebattery strengthof
the cellularphone.
! Thelevel shown onthe indica-
tor maydiffer from theactual
battery strength.
! Ifthe battery strengthis not
available, nothingis displayed
in thebattery strengthindica-
tor area.
Indicates thatthe connected
Bluetooth deviceonly supports
Bluetooth telephone.
Indicates thatthe connected
Bluetooth deviceonly supports
Bluetooth audio.
Show thealbum titlewhen receiv-
ing thetag information.
Shows thealbum titleof the song
currently beingplayed forMP3/
Shows thesong titlewhen receiv-
ing thetag information.
Shows thesong titleof the song
currently beingplayed forMP3/
Shows thecomment currently
being played.
Shows thestation name currently
tuned into.
Shows theartist name whenre-
ceiving thetag information.
Shows theartist name ofthe ar-
tist currentlybeing playedfor
Shows cellularphone informa-
Shows generalphone informa-
Shows homephone information.
Shows officephone information.
Shows otherphone information.
Shows thecomposer name.
Shows thecategory name.
Shows thefolder name ofthe
folder containingthe MP3/WMA/
AAC filecurrently being played.
Shows thefile nameof the MP3/
WMA/AAC filecurrently being
Shows thepreset numberof the
station currentlybeing tunedin
Shows thechannel currently
being tunedin to.
Shows SiriusXMinformation.
Shows thetitle number currently
being played.
Shows thechapter number cur-
rently beingplayed.
Shows thereplay timecurrently
being played.
Shows whenthe game alertfunc-
tion ison while receiving
SiriusXM stations.
Shows thegenre of thetrack/
song currentlybeing played.
Additional information
Additional information