November 1998
Part No. 001-7600-001
Figure 5-4 Second IF System IC1 (UHF)
Figure 5-5 Audio Switching and Amplifier Circuit (UHF)
and applied to the limiter amplifier and quadrature
detector. The quadrature detector demodulates the
audio signal contained in the second IF signal. Com-
ponents connected to pins 10 and 11 including X1
are part of the quadrature detector. The audio signal is
fed out on pin 9 (IC1) and applied to the AF amplifier
The AF (audio frequency) amplifier circuit pro-
vides drive to the speaker (see block diagram in Figure
5-5). The audio signal from IC1, pin 9 is applied to AF
amplifier IC7b and then fed to high-pass filter IC6c/
IC6d. The cut-off frequency of this filter is controlled
by the “AFHPF” line. When “AFHPF” is high, the
cut-off frequency is shifted higher to attenuate the Call
Guard (CTCSS or DTCS) signals.
The filtered output signal on IC6d, pin 14 is
applied to pin 8 of AF switching circuit IC11. The
switched output signal on IC11, pin 9 is then applied
to pin 16 of level controller IC12. This device allows
the CPU to control the speaker volume level. The vol-
ume controlled output on pin 15 is then applied to pin
2 of AF switching circuit IC11. The switched output
on pin 1 is applied to pin 4 of de-emphasis circuit
IC4a. The signal is then amplified by IC9 to provide
drive to the speaker.
Noise Squelch
The noise squelch circuit turns off the audio sig-
nal when no RF signal is being received. The squelch
circuit is controlled by the amount of noise present in
the audio signal.