Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
HELP TEXT:TohavetheHelpTextforaspeciccommandreturnedasareplyfromtheprojector,
add the letter “H” to your request message. For example:
(CON?H) What is the help text for the Contrast Control?
(CON! “The Contrast is crushed”) Reply from the projector.
GLOBAL INQUIRY: Add the letter “G” in your requestmessagetondoutifthecontrolisglobal.
A reply of “001” is returned if the control is global. For example:
(BDR?G) Is BDR a global control?
(BDR!001) BDR is a global control.
INDEX VALUE: When a control uses indexes for multiple values, insert an “I” into your request
(BRU? I22) WhatisthevalueforWhiteFieldUniformityspeciedbyindex22?
(BRU! 123) The value is 123 for index 22.
ACCESSING A LIST: For a control with a list of available options, add the letter “L” to your
request message to get a reply of the available options in that list control in the order they appear
in the menu. The reply message includes the following four parameters:
P1=1, item selectable
P2=1, item displayable
P3=value of item
P4=text for item
(STD?L) What are the list options for the STD list control?
(STD!L001 001 00008 “Auto”)
(STD!L001 001 00007 “NTSC”)
(STD!L001 001 00003 “NTSC4.43”)
(STD!L001 001 00000 “PAL”)
(STD!L001 001 00004 “PAL-M”)
(STD!L001 001 00005 “PAL-C”)
(STD!L001 001 00006 “PAL-60”)
(STD!L001 001 00002 “SECAM”)
(STD!L001 001 00009 “?”)
(STD!L111 “—END—”)
list by adding the value of that item after the L. For example:
(STD?L4) What is the text for item for in the Video Standard list?
(STD!L001 001 00004 “PAL-M”)
CONTROL NAME:Tondoutthenameofthecontrolyouareusing,addtheletter“N” to your
request message. If the control uses indexes for multiple values, insert the index number after
the “N” to read the name of the index. For example:
(CON?N) What is the name of the CON control?
(CON! “Contrast”)
(BRU?N2) What is the name for index parameter 2 for BRU?
(BRU! “Left Side, R”)
(BRU?N6) What is the name for index parameter 6 for BRU?
(BRU! “Top Left Corner, R”)
CONTROL TYPE:Tondoutthetypeofcontrolitisthatyouareusing,addtheletter“T” to
your request message. If indexes are being used for control with multiple values, insert the
index parameter after the “T”tondoutthetypeofcontrolthattheindexis.Forsomeslide
bar or number controls, an additional parameter may be returned to specify the number of
decimal places the control uses and if the control is to be displayed as a percentage (0=min and
100=max). If the reply message does not contain the letter “T”, than this function is invalid for
that control. The parameters for control types are: