Table of Baseband Measurement Spans (part 1 of 6)
All values are in Hertz (Hz).
(Fs) —>
48000 50000 51200
number of ÷2
with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5 with ÷5 without ÷5
0 3750.000000 18750.000000* 3906.250000 19531.250000* 4000.000000 20000.000000*
1 1875.000000 9375.000000 1953.125000 9765.625000 2000.000000 10000.000000
2 937.500000 4687.500000 976.562500 4882.812500 1000.000000 5000.000000
3 468.750000 2343.750000 488.281250 2441.406250 500.000000 2500.000000
4 234.375000 1171.875000 244.140625 1220.703125 250.000000 1250.000000
5 117.187500 585.937500 122.070312 610.351562 125.000000 625.000000
6 58.593750 292.968750 61.035156 305.175781 62.500000 312.500000
7 29.296875 146.484375 30.517578 152.587891 31.250000 156.250000
8 14.648438 73.242188 15.258789 76.293945 15.625000 78.125000
9 7.324219 36.621094 7.629395 38.146973 7.812500 39.062500
10 3.662109 18.310547 3.814697 19.073486 3.906250 19.531250
11 1.831055 9.155273 1.907349 9.536743 1.953125 9.765625
12 0.915527 4.577637 0.953674 4.768372 0.976562 4.882812
13 0.457764 2.288818 0.476837 2.384186 0.488281 2.441406
14 0.28882 1.144409 0.238419 1.192093 0.244141 1.220703
15 0.114441 0.572205 0.119209 0.596046 0.11207 0.610352
16 0.057220 0.286102 0.059605 0.298023 0.061035 0.305176
* For the top span, the 3 dB bandwidth is 1.15 times span shown.
To select sample frequency for time domain data, first divide the desired sample
frequency by 2.56 to convert it to a measurement span. Then locate the closest
measurement span on this table and choose the corresponding sample frequency at
the top of the table.
VT1433B User's Guide
Using the VT1433B