
41Tact Audio
7 - Select the “Program” button and follow the prompts by answering all
questions. You will need to be able to answer “Yes” to all questions to
start the programming. The RCS-2.2 X will turn OFF and ON and then return to
normal operation.
6 - From the TacT-2.2 X RCS software main screen, click on the “Add-Ins” and then
select the “Standard” option. You should now see the Add-Ins window.
5 - Press and hold the “DIGITAL” and “ANALOG” buttons on the front
panel of the RCS-2.2 X simultaneously while you turn the unit back ON
from the rear-panel mains switch. Hold the buttons until the display
shows the “PROGRAMMING MODE” screen.
Tact-2.2 X
Programming Mode
RAM Test: OK
Update the Tact-2.2 X Firmware