
[Genres] Switches over to the
screen for searching
for genres
Touch [Genre Name]
to display a list of
genre names. Touch
on the genre name
and then the album
name to display a
list of the songs
contained in the
[Composers] Switches over to the
screen for searching
for composers
Touch [Composer
Name] to display
a list of composer
names. Touch on the
composer name and
then the album name
to display a list of the
songs contained in
the album.
Scrolling through the pages of the
Touch [
] while the list is being dis-
played to display the previous page.
Touch [
] while the list is being dis-
played to display the next page.
Returning from the list display to
the display for the file that is being
played back
Touch [
Touch [
] or [ ] when the names
of all the songs will not fit on the list
display to display letters in a scrolling
Shuffling Playback of iPod Files
Each time you touch [ ], iPod tracks
are played back as indicated below.
Normal playback shuffle playback of
tracks on the list shuffle playback of
albums on the list ( normal playback)
Repeating Tracks
Touch [ ] to repeat playback of
tracks that are being played back.
Suspends shuffle operations during
shuffle play and repeats the track
that is being played back. If repeat is
cancelled, shuffle play is resumed.
Pausing Playback of Songs
Touch on [ ] while the song is
playing. Touch it again and playback