Command Protocol Reference Guide
A - 39
This parameter selects the gating style for crosspoints with conferencing
inputs. TODO: describe properties of the different gating styles. Gating is
enabled with the matrix_gate parameter.
matrix_invert Matrix Crosspoint Inversion
Inverts the specified crosspoint in the matrix mixer. Setting matrix_ invert to 0
sets the crosspoint to normal polarity; setting matrix_invert to 1 inverts the
crosspoint polarity.
Command Response Description
set matrix_gate_type
"Table Mic 1" "Phone Out"
val matrix_gate_type
"Table Mic 1" "Phone Out"
Tells the matrix to use the conferencing version of the
input processing of the input signal "Table Mic 1" when
creating the output signal "Phone Out".
set matrix_gate_type
"Table Mic 1" "Amplifier"
val matrix_gate_type
"Table Mic 1" "Amplifier"
Tells the matrix to use the sound reinforcement version of
the input processing of the input signal "Table Mic 1"
when creating the output signal "Amplifier".
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Matrix
Value Type Boolean
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Row Phys Chans Conferencing Mic/Line Input, Sound Reinforcement Mic/Line
Input, Analog Telephony Input, Signal Generator, Submix,
ConferenceLink Aux Input, ConferenceLink Raw Input
Row Virt Chans Mono, Stereo
Col Phys Chans Conferencing Line Output, Sound Reinforcement Line
Output, Analog Telephony Output, Submix, ConferenceLink
Aux Output
Col Virt Chans Mono, Stereo
Default 0