1 Introduction
The servo amplifiers of the MR-J3-T series are designed specifically for drive positioning appli
cations using point-to-point positioning without interpolation or trajectory control. The positions
to be accessed storedin a table and can beselectedcyclically, individually or inany order with:
b Digital signals
b CC-Link communication
The MR Configurator setup software package enables the user to test the entered positioning
steps quickly and easily in test mode.
1.1 Preparations
The following products and parts are needed for using the point table positioning fea-
tures described in this manual:
b A servo amplifier, for example MR-J3-10T
b A servo motor compatible with the selected amplifier
Example: HF-KP13 motor for the MR-J3-10T servo amplifier
b MRZJW3-SETUP221E Version C0 of the MR Configurator setup software package
b MR-J3USBCBL3M USB cable for connecting your PC/notebook with the servo amplifier
b MR-PWS1CBL M-A1-L motor connection cable
b MR-J3ENCBL M-A2-L rotary encoder cable
b MR-J2CMP2 connector for CN6 I/O signal connector
b Power supply cables conforming to the applicable installation regulations
b Connection cables for the control terminals
Required for positioning control with digital signals:
b MR-J3CN1 connector for communication connector CN10
b Optional MR-J3-D01 expansion card
Useful but not absolutely necessary:
b Simulation Box and terminal block with connection cable for testing:
FX Simulation Box (Art. No. 3386)
MR-TB50 terminal block for CN10 (MR-J3-D01)
MR-J2M-CN1TBL•M cable for connecting CN10 to MR-TB50
Introduction Preparations
MR-J3-T 1-1