Mitsubishi Electronics MR-J3-T Stereo Amplifier User Manual

You must turn the power off and on again to activate this parameter.
In the following example the physical home position is at the position of the Z-phase of the
encoder. However, we now wantto assign anon-zero value inthe physical coordinate system to
this position.
Positioning with Digital Inputs Home Position Return
MR-J3-T 4-21
No. Code Function Description
*FTY Feed length multi
plication factor
Needed here to scale the home position value to the physical coor
dinate system when a home position offset (shift) has been set.
*ZTY Home position re
turn mode
Selects the home position return mode:
0: Proximity dog mode (DOG)
*ZDIR Home position re-
turn direction
0: Incrementing counting of encoder pulses
1: Decrementing counting of encoder pulses
PC04 ZRF Home position re-
turn speed
Sets home position return speed until first detection of the Z-phase
in [rpm].
PC05 CRF Creep speed Speed for precise movement to home position in [rpm]
PC06 ZST Home position
offset (shift)
Distance between the encoder home position (Z-phase) and the
physical home position in [µm]. Does not change the zero point of
the physical coordinate system.
*ZPS Home position re-
turn position value
The home position return stops when the Z-phase position is
reached.You can enter a non-zero coordinate for this position [in
µm] with this parameter.
*DIAB Input signal
Logical value for detection of the proximity dog signal (DOG):
0: Active DOG on logical "0"
1: Active DOG on logical "1"
Table 4-2: Parameter reference table
Parameter value Multiplication factor STM
2 100
3 1000