
Index 433
sending 218
sorting 219
synchronizing 44, 207, 208
viewing 216, 230
View picture detail option 287
View Recording Toolbar command 254
active active calls 85, 86, 89
appointments 242
available applications 70
calendar 242
contacts 77, 239
diagnostic information 336
documents 263, 264, 276
email messages 139
items in folders 269, 283
maps 184, 185, 240, 337, 371
memory usage 338
menus 60
notes 286
notifications 321
organizer features 34
PDF files 288, 289
pictures 216, 287
playlists 232
power settings 338
space on expansion cards 338
speed-dial buttons 78
spreadsheets 274
tasks 251, 252
text messages 159, 160
videos 216, 230
Web favorites 175
Web pages 172
virtual private networks. See VPN connections
Virtual Serial Port profile 199
Voice Command button 325
voice commands 325
voice notes 168, 253, 286, 287, 327
voice quality 375
voice recording formats 327
accessing 39, 84
retrieving 83, 84
sending calls to 82
setting ringtones for 100
setting up 39, 83
troubleshooting 102
voicemail buttons 84, 93
Voicemail icon 83, 84, 85
Voicemail Pass Code option 39
Volume button 24
volume, adjusting 37, 100
VPN cli
ents 342,
VPN connections
adding 342
downloading attachments and 140
receiving email and 124, 130
setting up 341–342
VPN software 124
waking up screen 34, 85
Warn when changing… option 178
Warn when page content is blocked…
option 178