424 Index
information 328, 331
Treo 328–333
protecting personal information 40
proxy servers 342
punctuation marks 65
Purge command 162
Purge screen 162
Purge softkey 162
Quality command 215
Quick Keys 78, 93
Quick Tour 15
QuickTime Player 214
radio 396
radio frequency (RF) signals 385, 390
RAS connections 341
Receive all incoming beams check box 199
Receiving Data message 202
rechargeable battery. See battery
recipients, sending to multiple 137, 158, 169
Record button action option 256
ringtones 100
sounds 321
videos 214–215
voice notes 253, 286, 327
Recording icon 254
recording toolbar 254
recurring appointments. See repeating
redialing 80
redirectors (Web sites) 371
Region tab 323
Regional Settings screen 323
regulatory numbers 394
adding to events 245, 249
assigning to tasks 250, 252
repeating 321
setting alarms for 335
turning off 321
remote access server 341
Remove Programs icon 300
Remove Programs screen 300
Remove Split command 276
See also deleting
battery door 28, 351
expansion cards 302
items from playlists 232
Rename command 305
Rename/Move command 269, 283, 304
expansion cards 305
es 255, 287
tures or videos 221
Word documents 269
workbooks 283
worksheets 280
Repeat check box 321
Repeat command 230
repeating appointments 244
repeating current song 229