
400 Index
Add Recipient option 157
Add Required Attendee command 246
Add Server Source command 308
Add to Contacts command 160
Add to Favorites command 175
appointments 243, 244
attachments 137
Bluetooth devices 197
bulleted or numbered lists 268, 286
caller ID pictures 238
contacts 87, 141, 160, 238
expansion cards 301
files to playlists 232
folders 269
Internet connections 341
notes 239, 251, 252, 254, 285
passwords 40
signatures 146, 163
speed-dial buttons 92
tasks 250
untimed events 244
VPN connections 342
Web favorites 174–175
Wi-Fi connections 191
worksheets 279
address books 141, 148, 241, 363
Address tab 148
accessing Web pages and 172
adding contact 141, 160, 239
adding multiple 137, 158, 169
copying 363
displaying 157
getting 141, 148, 241
getting directions for 184
highlighting 59
selecting 144
sending meeting requests and 246
sending messages and 136, 157
verifying 142
ad-hoc connections 192
adjusting screen brightness 322
Adobe Flash Player 46
advancing slides 272
AES encryption 193
Agenda view (calendar) 242
air travel 386
alarm clock 335
alarm sound icon 335
adding to events 245, 249
ng to tasks 250, 252
ing vibrating 321
turning on and off 321, 335
Alarms tab 335
albums 216, 217
alerts. See notifications
aligning the screen 323
alignment settings
documents 268
spreadsheets 272, 279
Allow cookies option 178
Allow USB connections check box 361
alternate characters 65
alternate characters list 66