
426 Index
phone numbers 87
pictures and videos 223
voice notes 327
Word documents 263, 267, 270
workbooks 272, 275, 284
Scan option 195
Schedule command 310
Schedule screen 310
schedules 242, 248
See also calendar
scheduling synchronization 129, 310–311,
activating items on 59
adjusting brightness 322
aligning 323
caring for 25
changing color themes for 318
closing current 58
disabling touch-sensitivity for 328, 329
maximizing battery and 32
moving around on 56–57
selecting items on 59
troubleshooting 355
turning off 34, 339
viewing Web pages and 172
waking up 34, 85
screen backlight 64, 339, 355
screen resolution 299, 355
Screen Saver tab 339
screen savers 35, 222, 322, 339
Screen Settings screen 322, 323
Screen taps check box 321
screens, returning to previous 58
scroll arrows 57
scroll bars 57
scrolling 57, 247, 328
SD cards. See expansion cards
Search for list 295
Search icon 294
search results 179, 294
Search screen 294
documents 266
email messages 143
expansion cards 294
My Documents folder 294
spreadsheets 282
Web pages 164, 172, 179
secure networks 188, 189
secure Web sites 172, 174, 178, 371
security 328–333, 335, 341
security certificates 174
ty settings (email
) 147
security software 328
Security tab 178, 330
Select All Text command 177
selections, cancelling 60, 62
self-portrait mirror 26, 213
Send Sound command 100, 322
Send… command 198, 201
sending 198, 201
attachments 153
copyrighted items 218
email 124, 137, 150, 151, 174
meeting requests 246, 249