TacT Audio RCS 2.2 XP Stereo Amplifier User Manual

Tact Audio
4. Enable automatic room correction. In the DRC-RCS screen (Fig. 3), select
correction preset 1. Make sure that crossover fi lters are enabled and proper
crossover frequency is selected. Crossover fi lters can be adjusted at any time
even after you enable the automatic feature. Click on the AUTO-OFF menu option
to enter the Auto Correction screen (Fig. 5). Note that in bypass mode the AUTO-
OFF(ON) menu option is not displayed.
Fig. 5 Auto Correction screen.
In the Auto Correction screen click on the AUTO-OFF menu option to display
AUTO-ON and then click on the SET option to activate automatic room correc-
tion. In a split of a second the 2.2 XP will calculate target curves based on LF,
HF, crossover fi lter selection parameters and measurement data as saved in
measurement fi le 1.
You are ready to perform your fi rst listening test. Use LF parameters to add gain
or attenuation at frequencies bellow the frequency as displayed in LF parameter
bloc (1). Use HF parameters to add gain or attenuation to frequencies above the
frequency as displayed in HF parameter block (2). In this way you can shape tar-
get curves to match your specifi c listening needs.
Please note that changes you make on this screen do not take effect until you
click on the
SET option.