TacT Audio RCS 2.2 XP Stereo Amplifier User Manual

Tact Audio
This operating mode assumes a stereo system consisting of two main channels
and two subwoofers. To select 2.2 mode from the main screen, click on the MENU
button, and then select the MODE menu. In MODE menu, click on the STEREO
2.2 option. This will select 2.2 mode and will display it on top of the screen (1)
2.2 Mode
Fig. 1. Mode menu. 2.2 mode selection is displayed in the upper left corner (1).
To perform 2.2 mode automatic room correction go through the following steps:
1. Correction Bypass. Place 2.2 XP in correction bypass mode. You can place
2.2 XP in bypass mode by pressing on the BP remote control button or by using
the front panel controls.
Fig. 2. Tact-2.2 XP main screen. Note a ‘*’ next to BP. It indicates that BP – bypass
mode is selected.
2. Crossover Filters Off. Make sure that crossover fi lter option is set to OFF. It
is important that all measurements are performed without any crossover fi ltering.
If your loudspeakers have built in electronic crossover fi lters, make sure that they
are disabled. If crossover fi lters could not be disabled, set the subwoofer crossover
lter to its highest frequency and main channel to its lowest cut off frequency.
To disable crossover fi lters enter the
RCS-DRC menu and select the CRO-
ON(OFF) option in Fig.3 to enter Crossover screen Fig. 4.
Fig. 3. RCS-DRC screen.