
Tact Audio
Fig. 4. Crossover menu. CRO: OFF indicates that crossover fi lters are disabled
Crossover fi lters can be turned OFF from the front panel crossover menu (Fig. 4).
Place the screen cursor over the CRO: ON menu option and then press the enter
button (click) until it displays CRO: OFF, and then click on SET option.. Please
note that any change made on this screen does not take effect until you click on
the SET option.
Click on the MENU button to go back to the DRC-RCS screen, Fig. 3.
3. Measurements. To perform room response measurements, select the MSR
menu option to display the measurement screen (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Measurement screen.
The 2.2 XP is factory confi gured to measurement parameters as displayed in Fig.
5. The MSR MIC CAL option should be turned ON and the MIC FILE fi eld should
display the microphone serial number as printed on your microphone
MSR MIC CAL. When this option is set to ON, the room correction algorithm will
apply the microphone calibration fi le to the measurement data. When this option
is set to OFF, the microphone calibration fi le is ignored.
MIC FILE. This fi eld displays the microphone fi le name used to perform micro-
phone calibration. The microphone calibration fi le data is saved in 2.2 XP internal
memory. For more details on how to transfer microphone calibrations fi le to 2.2 XP
memory, please refer to the Microphone section of the PC software manual.
AVG This is a very important measurement parameter. It equals the number of
measurements that are averaged prior to being saved. The averaging process
reduces the effects of random environmental noise. Typical Average values go
from 10 to 30.