3-3 M32R-FPU Software Manual (Rev.1.01)
Table 3.1.3 Operation expression (operator) (cont.)
operator meaning
- sign invert (monomial operator)
= substitute right side into left side (substitute operator)
+= adds right and left variables and substitute into left side (substitute operator)
-= subtract right variable from left variable and substitute into left side (substitute operator)
> greater than (relational operator)
< less than (relational operator)
>= greater than or equal to (relational operator)
<= less than or equal to (relational operator)
== equal (relational operator)
!= not equal (relational operator)
&& AND (logical operator)
| | OR (logical operator)
! NOT (logical operator)
?: execute a conditional expression (conditional operator)
Table 3.1.4 Operation expression (bit operator)
operator meaning
<< bits are left-shifted
>> bits are right-shifted
& bit product (AND)
| bit sum (OR)
^ bit exclusive or (EXOR)
~ bit invert
Table 3.1.5 Data type
expression sign bit length range
signed char yes 8 –128 to +127
signed short yes 16 –32,768 to +32,767
signed int yes 32 –2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
unsigned char no 8 0 to 255
unsigned short no 16 0 to 655,535
unsigned int no 32 0 to 4,294,967,295
signed64bit yes 64 signed 64-bit integer (with accumulator)
3.1 Conventions for instruction description
Table 3.1.6 Data type (floating-point)
expression floating-point format
float single precision values format