13.2.2 Fault - actio
1. Speed and distance
- C95 (COG) should be cted.
For more information, s
Irregular values: Chec
2. Compass: No readin ( --
− C75 should be OFF, if no .
− Make sure the (Auto DEV) rout
− Make sure the trans
− The transducer cable should face dow
− Make sure transduc corr
For more information, s NX
Irregular values: Chec s d
Make sure there are no
3. Wind: No reading (
− C76 should be OFF ind is connected.
For more information, s
13.2.3 Error messages
The following error messages can appear on the display:
ERROR 2 Nexus Network is missing, check colour coded connections
ERROR 3 No data received within a given time.
ERROR 10 Range error caused by bad format e.g. 17° 70' East.
ERROR 11 Remote command that can not be performed.
ERROR 12 No response from, or missing navigator.
ERROR 13 Waypoint not defined.
ERROR 15 Functions not allowed in autopilot mode.
ERROR 16 Automatic deviation not possible due to NMEA compass selected.
ERROR 17 Automatic deviation check failed. Turn not completed,
error larger than 1,5°.
ERROR 19 The boat probably hit a wave during turn. Error larger than 1,5°.
If other error messages than the above appears on the Multi Control instrument,
contact your NX2 dealer.
unctions: No reading ( --- ) f
OFF, if no navigator is conne
ee manual for NX2 Server.
k the speed damping (SEA), (see 12.1.4).
g - )
NMEA compass is connected
ine is done correctly, (see 12.4.1)
ducer is not mounted upside down.
er is aligned ectly, (see 12.4.4).
ee manual for 2 Server.
k the compas amping (SEA), (see 12.3.12).
ferrous items close to the transducer.
--- )
, if
no NMEA w
ee manual for NX2 Server.