14.3 Optional Accessories
Below find a selection o al access
dealer for more informa
22118-3 Multi C trument an
22118-2 Multi Control and Server w ransducer, 8m cable
22118-1 Speed g transdu
22118-4 Wind D
22118-5 Compass Data, with transd
22118-6 GPS N
22120-1 Server 3m pow
20707 Log/Temp transducer, 8 m cable (for Nexus and Star)
19915-8 Depth 8m cabl
21731 Compa er 35°, 8
20860 Compa er 45°, 8
20721 Wind t 5m cabl
20721-1 CF-win r, Carbo no mast cable incl.
20594 Nexus mast cable 25m
21721 MTC ( nd Data instr.
69980 MRC (Mast Rotation Sens
21970 GPS A h NMEA
21735 Bracket for GPS Antenna and 35° Compass transducer for bulkhead mount
22117-1 Speed log instrument
22117-3 Multi Control instrument
22117-4 Wind Data instrument
22117-5 Compass Data instrument
22117-6 GPS Navigator instrument
22117-7 Autopilot instrument
NX2 Analog Instruments (all supplied with 0.2m cable)
22115-01 NX2 Analog Wind Angle
22115-02 NX2 Analog Steer Pilot
22115-03 NX2 Analog Speed Trim
22115-05 NX2 Analog Speed 0-16kts
22115-06 NX2 Analog Speed 0-50kts
22115-07 NX2 Analog Depth 0-200m
22115-08 NX2 Analog Depth 0-600ft
22115-09 NX2 Analog Rudder angle
22115-10 NX2 Analog Compass
22115-11 NX2 Analog GPS Speed 0-16kts
22115-12 NX2 Analog GPS Speed 0-50kts
22115-13 NX2 Analog GPS Course
Nexus Remote Control Instrument
21210 Remote Control Instrument (RCI), with Autopilot control, 5m cable, bracket
21218-1 Bracket Remote Control instrument
20966 Connector 4-pole, NEW model (Allows cable - cable connection)
f option ories available. Please contact your local NX2
o d Server, 8m cable
ntrol ins
ith Speed Log and depth t
log with lo cer, 8m cable
ata, with transducer, 25m cable, mast bracket
ucer 35°, 8 m cable
avigator, with GPS Antenna, 8+10m cable
exus Transducers
compl with er cables
transducer, e (for NX2 only)
ss transduc m cable
ss transduc m cable
ransducer, 2 e, mast bracket
d transduce n Fibre, 1260mm long, 380
Mast Twist Compensation) box, 8m cable, for Wi
or Compensation) box
ntenna, wit 0183 output
ig all supplied with 0.2m cable) ital Instruments (