steer your boat so tha , which
means you are on the desired track.
8.3 Steer refere
The sub-function (Pilot) is intended to be used together with the
optional analogue inst 0-2) to
assist the helmsman to
The powerful combin rument
together with the ana 6
Compass steering: (M
1. Compass steering, using the 1 memory.
2. Headers and lifters, using the 2 memories and trim button. (See
Wind steering: (AWA)
3. Close hauled indicato
4. Down wind indicator,
Waypoint steering:
5. Bearing To waypoint
6. Course To Steer (CT
When a steer reference
selected the analogue s
instrument is immediate
It starts to indicate the d
between desired and actual heading
or angle. The logic is to keep the
steer pilot instrument needle straight
up pointing at zero (0) to stay on the
set heading.
From analogue steer pilot instrument version 2.0, (MEM) and
(BTW) is functioning with COG (if navigator connected) even if a
compass is not installed . The analogue read out will start at
speed above 4KTS and stop below 2 KTS.
If you do not have the analogue steer pilot instrument, you can still
use the function, if you display the selected steer reference
heading (STR) in the sub-function and compare it with the actual
compass heading in the main-function.
A NX2 autopilot can not be activated from the steer reference
function. But when the NX2 autopilot has been activated in
compass or wind mode it is possible to alter the autopilots
heading from the (MEM) and (AWA) functions.
t the display readout is 0.00 NM
nce (Pilot)
rument steer pilot (Art. No. 2055
keep the desired heading.
ation of the Multi Control inst
logue steer pilot actually offers you
r, ex. 35°
ex. 175°
S), including set and drift
has been
teer pilot
ly activated.