DVS 304 • Introduction
About this Manual
This manual discusses how to install, configure, and operate the Extron DVS 304
video and RGB scaler and how to operate the optional IR 902 infrared remote
control (part #70-495-01).
Throughout this manual the terms “DVS”, “digital video scaler”, and “scaler” are
used interchangeably to refer to the same product. All instances refer to all models
in the series unless noted otherwise.
About the DVS 304, DVS 304 A, DVS 304 D, and
DVS 304 AD
The DVS 304 series (DVS 304, DVS 304 A, DVS 304 D, and DVS 304 AD ) are
4-input, 1-output high performance RGB and video scalers offering 62 output
rates, including HDTV. These products provide scaling solutions for boardrooms,
conference rooms, and home theaters, as well as rental and staging applications.
The two DVS 304 scalers come in a half rack model (DVS 304) with an SDI option,
and a full rack model (DVS 304 A) with an SDI option and balanced/unbalanced
All versions of the DVS 304 can be controlled remotely using Extron’s Simple
Instruction Set (SIS
) commands via RS-232, or through an Ethernet LAN
connection using embedded Web pages.
The DVS 304 scales from composite video, S-video, component (Y, R-Y, B-Y) video,
and RGB video to computer-video (RGBHV/RGBS/RGsB) or HD component.
It can also output to two separate display devices via individually buffered BNC
and 15-pin HD connectors.
Controlling the DVS 304 video and RGB scaler
The DVS 304 can be controlled using one or more of the following methods:
• Thefrontpanelcontrols.
• Acomputer,atouchscreenpanel,oranyotherdevicethatcansendand
receive the serial communications through the RS-232 port. The Extron
Simple Instruction Set (SIS) is a set of simple keystroke commands that can
be used with any such devices, and Extron’s control software for Windows
provides a graphical interface for controlling the scaler from a computer.
• TheoptionalIR902remotecontrol,replicatingmostofthefrontpanel
• EthernetcontrolviaIPLink,enablingtheDVS304tobecontrolledand
pro-actively monitored over a LAN, WAN, or the Internet.
Four inputs:
SDI video input (optional) — One BNC connector on the rear panel accepts
SDI video. During setup, the SDI input is assigned to input 1, 2, 3, or 4
(the default is none).
Input 1 — One BNC connector on the rear panel accepts composite video.
Input 2 — Three BNC connectors on the rear panel accept composite video,
S-video, or component video.
Input 3 — A 4-pin mini-DIN connector accepts an S-video signal.
Input 4 — A 15-pin HD connector accepts an RGB, component video,