Responding to a Postinstallation Script Failure 35
Responding to a Postinstallation Script Failure
If you have experienced a failure during postinstallation processing and would like to remove
the items that completed processing successfully:
1. Review the log file located in /tmp/Post41Install.log.
This file contains messages that indicate which tables, stored procedures, and/or type
definitions did or did not process successfully. The messages that indicate a successful
completion are the ones you want to remove prior to a restart of the postinstallation script.
For instructions on how to customize postinstallation processing, see “Customizing the
Postinstallation Script” on page 23.
2. Edit the UserTypes.sql file to remove the type definitions that restored successfully.
3. Edit the UserTables file to remove the names of the user tables that restored
4. Edit the SPLProcedures file to remove the names of the stored procedures that restored
5. Change to the /usr/nc/install directory.
6. At the prompt, type the following command:
# ./Post41Install -r
The -r parameter is used only in failure situations and should not be used under any other
circumstances. This parameter causes the postinstallation script to skip all setup and
preprocessing functions and proceed directly to restoring user tables, stored procedures,
and type definitions.