
30 COMMAND/POST Upgrade Guide for HP-UX Systems
The following messages are displayed, indicating upgrade processing status:
The COMMAND/POST 4.1 upgrade is finished. You can dump your migrated master,
sybsystemprocs, and agc databases for disaster recovery purposes.
The following prompt is displayed:
2. Perform one of the following steps:
If you are backing up these databases, type y, press Return, and proceed to “Backing
Up Your Newly Generated COMMAND/POST Configuration Files” on page 32.
If you are backing up these databases to tape, proceed to “Backing Up Your Newly
Migrated Databases” on page 31.
If you do not want to back up these databases, type n, press Return.
The following prompt is displayed:
Type y to delete the files. The obsolete COMMAND/POST binaries are deleted.
Type n to keep the files. The obsolete COMMAND/POST binaries are kept.
Continue with “Backing Up Your Newly Generated COMMAND/POST
Configuration Files” on page 32.
Connected to ‘master’ database...
Connected to AGC database...
Stopping COMMAND/POST...
Creating User Defined Types
<list of types>
Creating User Defined Tables
<list of tables>
Creating Stored Procedures
<list of stored procedures>
Loading Tables
<list of tables>
Adding Sybase users
<list of users>
Starting COMMAND/POST...
Starting Desktop...
Generating filters...
Stopping COMMAND/POST...
Your COMMAND/POST 4.1 upgrade is now complete.
Prior to continuing you should have a good DB dump
of the Master, Sybsystemproc, and AGC databases.
Would you like to dump the databases now [y]?
Do you want these files deleted [y]?