30 COMMAND/POST Upgrade Guide for HP-UX Systems
The following messages are displayed, indicating upgrade processing status:
The COMMAND/POST 4.1 upgrade is finished. You can dump your migrated master,
sybsystemprocs, and agc databases for disaster recovery purposes.
The following prompt is displayed:
2. Perform one of the following steps:
– If you are backing up these databases, type y, press Return, and proceed to “Backing
Up Your Newly Generated COMMAND/POST Configuration Files” on page 32.
– If you are backing up these databases to tape, proceed to “Backing Up Your Newly
Migrated Databases” on page 31.
– If you do not want to back up these databases, type n, press Return.
The following prompt is displayed:
– Type y to delete the files. The obsolete COMMAND/POST binaries are deleted.
– Type n to keep the files. The obsolete COMMAND/POST binaries are kept.
Continue with “Backing Up Your Newly Generated COMMAND/POST
Configuration Files” on page 32.
Connected to ‘master’ database...
Connected to AGC database...
Stopping COMMAND/POST...
Creating User Defined Types
<list of types>
Creating User Defined Tables
<list of tables>
Creating Stored Procedures
<list of stored procedures>
Loading Tables
<list of tables>
Adding Sybase users
<list of users>
Starting COMMAND/POST...
Starting Desktop...
Generating filters...
Stopping COMMAND/POST...
Your COMMAND/POST 4.1 upgrade is now complete.
Prior to continuing you should have a good DB dump
of the Master, Sybsystemproc, and AGC databases.
Would you like to dump the databases now [y]?
Do you want these files deleted [y]?