12 COMMAND/POST Upgrade Guide for HP-UX Systems
Accessing the Preinstallation Script
To access the preinstallation script:
1. Log on to the rmdhost system as root.
Note: The root password for this workstation is listed on the Upgrade Planning Form on
page 7.
2. Ensure that your dump device for backing up the configuration files is accessible to the
rmdhost workstation.
Note: The name of this dump device is listed on the Upgrade Planning Form on page 7.
3. Ensure that the dump device for backing up the master and agc databases is defined and is
accessible to the COMMAND/POST database workstation.
Note: The name of this dump device is listed on the Upgrade Planning Form on page 7; the
default device name is /dev/rmt/0mn.
4. Insert the COMMAND/POST 4.1 CD into the CD-ROM drive.
5. Mount the CD-ROM drive by issuing a mount command at the command line or through
the CDE windowing interfaces.
6. Change to the upgrade directory on the CD:
Ensure that COMMAND/POST is running before you proceed to the next step.
7. At the command line, invoke the preinstallation script:
The following message and prompt are displayed:
8. Proceed to “Backing Up the Master and agc Databases” on page 13.
# mount -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /mnt
# cd /mnt/upgrade
# ./Pre41Install
This script extracts the contents of your current COMMAND/POST 3.2
database into a number of supporting files that will be used as input
in a later phase of your COMMAND/POST 4.1 installation.
If you want to proceed now, please enter y to confirm (n to abort) ->