
Remember: After making changes to the settings press/click the APPLY button.
Preparing a USB Flash Drive
Most, but not all, USB ash drives are
compatible with the DVR.
The ash drive will have to be
formatted with the correct le
structure, which is FAT32. This can be
done via a compatible computer, or
you can have the DVR itself format
the USB ash drive.
To format your USB ash drive:
• Insert the ash drive into the USB
slot on the rear of the DVR.
• Open the Main Menu, select
Device Management, then select
HDD Management.
• Choose the FORMAT USB option.
The process will take a few
moments, depending on the size
of the USB ash drive.
Above: The HDD Managment menu, with
the FORMAT USB button highlighted.
Be sure there’s no data you want to keep on
the USB ash drive when you format it, as
the formatting process removes all data.
USB Backup