MIDI Implementation
❍Data set 1 DT1 (12H)
This is the message that actually performs data transmission, and is used when you wish to
transmit the data.
Status Data byte Status
F0H 41H, dev, 00H, 2EH, 12H, aaH, bbH, F7H
ccH, ddH, eeH,... ffH, sum
Byte Explanation
F0H Exclusive status
41H ID number (Roland)
dev Device ID (dev: 00H - 1FH (1 - 32) Initial value is 10H (17))
00H 2EH Model ID (HPD-15)
12H Command ID (DT1)
Address MSB: upper byte of the starting address of the transmitted
bbH Address 2nd : 2nd byte of the starting address of the transmitted data
ccH Address 3rd: 3rd byte of the starting address of the transmitted data
Address LSB: lower byte of the starting address of the transmitted data
eeH Data: The actual data to be transmitted. Multiple bytes of data are
transmitted in order starting from the address.
ffH Data
sum Checksum
F7H EOX (End Of Exclusive)
* The amount of data that can be transmitted at once time will depend on the type of data,
and data must be requested using a specific starting address and size. Refer to the
Address and Size listed in "Parameter Dump Request" (p. 108).
* If "Data Set 1" is transmitted successively, there must be an interval of at least 40ms.
* Regarding the checksum please refer to p. 109.
2. Transmit data
* When [SYSTEM]-(MIDI) Soft Thru is set to "ON", messages received in addition to the
following messages are also sent.
■Channel Voice Messages
* The following channel voice messages are transmitted on the channel specified as the
●Note off
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
8nH kkH vvH
9nH kkH 00H
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
kk = note number: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
vv = note off velocity: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* With the Trigger Mode is set to "Shot", 9n kk 00H is transmitted afetr the set time has
* With the Trigger Mode is set to "Gate", 8n kk vvH is transmitted when you release the
* With the Trigger Mode is set to "Trig", Note On and 8n kk vvH are alternately
transmitted when you strike the pad.
* On the channel assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts, the note numbers
specified by the patch will be transmitted.
●Note on
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
9nH kkH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
kk = note number: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
vv = note on velocity: 01H - 7FH (1 - 127)
* With the Trigger Mode is set to "Shot", Note On message is transmitted when you strike the
* With the Trigger Mode is set to "Gate", Note On message is transmitted when you strike the
* With the Trigger Mode is set to "Trig", Note On and Note Off messages are alternately
transmitted when you strike the pad.
* On the channel assigned to the pad part and the percussion parts, the note numbers
specified by the patch will be transmitted.
●Polyphonic Key Pressure
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
AnH kkH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
kk = note number: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
vv = pressure: 00H - 7FH (0 - 127)
* The HPD-15 tramsmits a value corresponding to the pressing force of the pad.
* This will not be transmitted if the MuteTx, PitchTx and CtrlTx are set to "OFF".
* This is transmitted only on the channel which is assigned to the pad part and the
percussion parts.
* Transmitted when the HPD-15 is in play for pattern in which this message is recorded.
●Control Change
❍Bank Select (Controller number 0, 32)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 00H mmH
BnH 20H llH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H - FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = Bank number MSB: 00H - 02H (bank1:user patch bank bank2,3:preset patch)
ll = Bank number LSB: processed as 00H
* Bank Select corresponding to patch are sent when patch are selected.
* Bank Select corresponding to each part's instrument are sent when patterns is selected.
Also, when instruments are selected for parts,bank select for the respective instruments
are sent.