System Configuration
Figure 6
Step 6: After you select “Continue”, the screen
shown in Figure 6 will appear.Although theAVR
may be used with up to eight speakers, you may
ave elected not to install surround back speak-
ers at this time, or you may have decided to use
the surround back speaker channels to power
speakers in the remote room of a multiroom sys-
tem. This screen directs you to program EzSet/EQ
for a 5.1- or 7.1-channel configuration. Select
the setting that reflects the number of speakers
installed in your system, and EzSet/EQ will do
the rest automatically!
NOTE: If you are using fewer than six speakers
in your system, then it will not be possible to
configure your speakers using EzSet/EQ, and you
will need to select Manual Configuration as
described starting on page 24. If you have
selected a 6.1-channel configuration, using only
a single surround back speaker, it is possible to
use a combination of EzSet/EQ automatic
configuration for 5.1 speakers, connect the
single surround back speaker to the left
Surround Back Speaker Output, and then
configure the surround back speaker manually,
as described from page 25. However, we do not
recommend the 6.1-channel configuration.
If you have forgotten to plug in the EzSet/EQ
microphone, the warning screen shown in
Figure 7 will appear as a reminder.
Figure 7
NOTE: As shown in the Figures, while EzSet/EQ
is in progress a Cancel setting is highlighted.
You may interrupt EzSet/EQ at any time by sim-
ply pressing the OK Button X.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Anyone with hearing that
is sensitive to loud noises should leave the room
at this point, or use ear protection sufficient to
reduce the noise level. Inexpensive foam-style
ear plugs, available at most drug stores, may be
used to reduce the sound level to a tolerable
level. If you are uncomfortable with,or cannot
olerate, loud sounds and do not use some sort
of ear protection, we strongly recommend that
you leave the room and ask someone else to run
the EzSet/EQ process, or that you do not use
EzSet/EQ and enter the configuration settings
manually, as described on pages 24 through 27.
Figure 8
Step 7: Once EzSet/EQ has been started,you
will hear test signals circulate among all of the
speakers as the system sets the master level,
checks to see where there are speakers, sets the
distance measurement and calculates delay time
settings, sets the speaker “size”, and sets the
speaker crossover point. During the measure-
ment and calibration process, you may observe
the progress of the testing by reading the
messages that appear in the second line of the
menu listing.
EzSet/EQ uses the left front speaker to set the
master volume level, and then it proceeds
directly to measuring the speaker output levels.
Step 8: When the EzSet/EQ process has fin-
ished, a screen will appear with its results..You
may press the OK Button X, and the
Speaker Setup screen shown in Figure 4 will
Unplug the microphone and store it in a safe
place so that it is available to recalibrate your
system if needed due to a change in speakers,
preferred listening position, or a major change in
the room’s furnishings (such as the addition of
thick carpeting or plush furniture) that might
require different settings.
When you have successfully completed the
EzSet/EQ process and made any needed adjust-
ments to the input and surround mode configu-
rations, your receiver is ready for use. If you do
not wish to make any manual adjustments to
the settings, you may skip the rest of this section
and proceed to the Basic Operation section of
his manual on page 30 to learn how to operate
AVR 255/AVR 355. For those situations where
you may wish to make a change to the settings
entered by EzSet/EQ, follow the instructions on
the following pages.