omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service 67
config=terminalmode deletecontrol=outputdel |
outputdel: BMC outputs a <del> character
when <bksp> or <del> is received.
outputbkspspbksp: BMC outputs a
<bksp><sp><bksp> character when
<bksp> or <del> is received.
echocontrol=enabled | disabled enabled: Enables characters to be sent to the
disabled: Disables characters to be sent to the
handshakingcontrol=enabled | disabled enabled: Directs the BMC to output a character
sequence that indicates when its input buffer is
ready to accept another command.
disabled: Does not direct the BMC to output a
character sequence that indicates when its
input buffer is ready to accept another
inputlinesequence=cr | null cr: The console uses <CR> as a new line
null: The console uses <NULL> as a new line
lineediting=enabled | disabled enabled: Enables line editing as a line is typed.
disable: Disables line editing as a line is typed.
newlinesequence=none | crlf | null | cr
| lfcr | lf
none: BMC does not use a termination
crlf: BMC uses <CR-LF> as a new line
sequence when the BMC writes a new line to
the console.
null: BMC uses <Null> as a new line sequence
when the BMC writes a new line to the console.
cr: BMC uses <CR> as a new line sequence
when the BMC writes a new line to the console.
lfcr: BMC uses <LF-CR> as a new line
sequence when the BMC writes a new line to
the console.
lf: BMC uses <LF> as a new line sequence
when the BMC writes a new line to the console.
Table 4-3. omconfig chassis bmc (continued)
name=value pair 1
name=value pair 2 Description