Using the Storage Management Service 137
User Privileges for omreport storage and omconfig storage
Storage Management requires Administrator privileges to use the omconfig storage command. User and
Power User privileges are sufficient to use the omreport storage command.
omreport Command
The following sections provide the omreport command syntax required to display the status of various
storage components.
pdisk=<PDISKID> Indicates a particular physical disk by specifying either connector:targetID or
To obtain the values for the connector, enclosure, and physical disk (targetID or
portID), you would enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs
and then enter omreport storage pdisk controller=id to display the IDs for the
physical disks attached to the controller.
battery=id Indicates the battery ID as reported by the omreport command. To obtain this
value, enter omreport storage controller to display the controller IDs and then
enter omreport storage battery controller=id to display the ID for the
controller battery.
< > The caret symbols (< >) enclose variable elements that you must specify.
For example, the name=<string> parameter might be specified as name=
[ ] The bracket symbols ([ ]) indicate optional elements that you can choose to
specify or not.
For example, when creating a virtual disk, the [name=<string>] parameter
indicates that you have the option of specifying the virtual disk name. If you omit
this parameter from the syntax, then a default name for the virtual disk is
chosen for you.
| The pipe symbol (|) separates two or more options from which one only must
be selected.
For example, when creating a virtual disk, the cachepolicy=d|c indicates that the
cache policy must be specified as either cachepolicy=d or cachepolicy=c.
Table 8-2. Syntax For Name=Value Pairs For Parameters (continued)
Syntax Description