154 Using the Storage Management Service
Example Syntax
For example, you may want to create a RAID 5 virtual disk on a PERC 3/QC controller. The online help
will help you understand which read, write, and cache policies are supported by this controller. In this
example, you decide to create a virtual disk with the following read, write, and cache policy:
• Read-ahead
• Write–through caching
• Cache I/O
The virtual disk will be 500 MB with a stripe size of 16 KB. The name of the virtual disk will be vd1 and it
will reside on connector 0 of controller 1. Because the virtual disk will be a RAID 5, it requires at least
three physical disks. In this example, you specify four physical disks. These are physical disks 0 through 3.
To create the virtual disk described in this example, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=createvdisk controller=1 raid=r5
size=500m pdisk=0:0,0:1,0:2,0:3 stripesize=16kb cachepolicy=c
readpolicy=ra writepolicy=wt
The only parameters that require specification are for the controller, RAID level, virtual disk size, and
physical disk selection. Storage Management supplies default values for all other unspecified parameters.
omconfig Set Controller Rebuild Rate
Use the following omconfig command syntax to set the controller rebuild rate:
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=setrebuildrate controller=id rate=
<0 to 100>
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller command.
Example Syntax
For example, to set the rebuild rate to 50 on controller 1, enter:
omconfig storage controller action=setrebuildrate controller=1 rate=50
omconfig Set Background Initialization Rate
Use the following omconfig command syntax to set the background initialization rate.
Complete Syntax
omconfig storage controller action=setbgirate controller=id rate=<0
to 100>
where id is the controller ID as reported by the omreport storage controller command.