120 omconfig rac: Managing the Remote Access Controller
Table 7-1 is a high-level summary of the omconfig rac command. The column titled "Command level 3"
lists the major arguments that can be used with omconfig rac. "User privilege required" refers to the type
of privilege you need to execute the command, where U=User, P=Power User, and A=Administrator.
"Use" is a very general statement about the actions that can be performed using omconfig rac.
More details about syntax and use of the command appear later in this section.
Table 7-1. Command Level 1, Command Level 2, and Command Level 3 Options for omconfig rac
level 1
level 2
level 3
authentication A Sets authentication properties.
dialinusers A Sets dial-in user properties.
dialoutusers A Sets dial-out user properties.
generatecert A Generates an certificate signing request (CSR).
modem A Configures modem properties.
network A Configures network properties.
snmptraps A Sets SNMP trap properties.
remote A Configures remote features properties.
rmdialinuser A Removes the dial-in user.
rmdialoutuser A Removes the dial-out user.
rmsnmptrap A Removes the SNMP trap.
rmuser A Removes the user.
reset A Resets the RAC.
uploadcert A Uploads a server or CA certificate.
users A Sets user properties.